901.05(b) Other Significant Data [R-08.2012]
The purpose of INID Codes (“INID” is an acronym for “Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of (bibliographic) Data”) is to provide a means whereby the various data appearing on the first page of patent and like documents or in patent gazettes can be identified without knowledge of the language used and the laws applied. They are now used by most patent offices and have been applied to U.S. patents since August 4, 1970. Some of the codes are not pertinent to the documents of a particular country and some which are pertinent may, in fact, not be used. INID codes for industrial designs are similar to, but not identical to, those used for patents and like documents. INID codes for industrial designs are provided separately below.
INID Codes and Minimum Required for the Identification of Bibliographic Data for Patent and Like Documents (based on WIPO Standard ST.9)
(10) Identification of the patent, SPC or patent document
°(11) Number of the patent, SPC or patent document
°(12) Plain language designation of the kind of document
°(13) Kind of document code according to WIPO Standard ST.16
°(15) Patent correction information
°°(19) WIPO Standard ST.3 code, or other identification, of the office or organization publishing the document
(i) For an SPC, data regarding the basic patent should be coded by using code (68).
(ii) °° Minimum data element for patent documents only.
(iii) With the proviso that when data coded (11) and (13), or (19), (11) and (13), are used together and on a single line, category (10) can be used, if so desired.
(20) Data concerning the application for a patent or SPC
°(21) Number(s) assigned to the application(s), e.g., “Numéro d’enregistrement national,” “Aktenzeichen”
°(22) Date(s) of filing the application(s)
°(23) Other date(s), including date of filing complete specification following provisional specification and date of exhibition
(24) Date from which industrial property rights may have effect
(25) Language in which the published application was originally filed
(26) Language in which the application is published
(i) Attention is drawn to the Appendix 3 of WIPO Standard ST. 9 which contains information on the term of protection and on the date from which industrial property rights referred to under code (24) may have effect.
(ii) The language under code (25) and (26) should be indicated by using the two-letter language symbol according to International Standard ISO 639:1988.
(30) Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention and other agreement not specifically provided for elsewhere
°(31) Number(s) assigned to priority application(s)
°(32) Date(s) of filing of priority application(s)
°(33) WIPO Standard ST.3 code identifying the national industrial property office allotting the priority application number or the organization allotting the regional priority application number; for international applications filed under the PCT, the code “WO” is to be used
(34) For priority filings under regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 code identifying at least one country party to the Paris Convention for which the regional or international application was made
(i) With the proviso that when data coded (31), (32), and (33) are presented together, category (30) can be used, if so desired. If an ST.3 code identifying a country for which a regional or international application was made is published, it should be identified as such using INID Code (34) and should be presented separately from elements coded (31), (32) and (33) or (30).
(ii) The presentation of priority application numbers should be as recommended in WIPO Standards ST.10/C and in ST.34.
(40) Date(s) of making available to the public
°°(41) Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date
°°(42) Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date
°°(43) Date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date
°°(44) Date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of an examined patent document, on which no grant or only a provisional grant has taken place on or before the said date
°°(45) Date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of a patent document on which grant has taken place on or before the said date
(46) Date of making available to the public the claim(s) only of a patent document
°°(47) Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, a patent document on which grant has taken place on or before the said date
°(48) Date of issuance of a corrected patent document
°°Minimum data element for patent documents only, the minimum data requirement being met by indicating the date of making available to the public the patent document concerned.
(50) Technical information
°(51) International Patent Classification or, in the case of a design patent, as referred to in subparagraph 4(c) of WIPO Standard ST.9, International Classification for Industrial Designs
(52) Domestic or national classification
°(54) Title of the invention
(56) List of prior art documents, if separate from descriptive text
(57) Abstract or claim
(58) Field of search
(i) The presentation of the classification symbols of the International Classification for Industrial Designs should be made in accordance with paragraph 4 of WIPO Standard ST.10/C.
(ii) With regard to code (56) attention is drawn to WIPO Standard ST.14 in connection with the citation of references on the front page of patent documents and in search reports attached to patent documents.
(60) References to other legally or procedurally related domestic or previously domestic patent documents including unpublished applications therefor
°(61) Number and, if possible, filing date of the earlier application, or number of the earlier publication, or number of earlier granted patent, inventor’s certificate, utility model or the like to which the present document is an addition
°(62) Number and, if possible, filing date of the earlier application from which the present patent document has been divided up
°(63) Number and filing date of the earlier application of which the present patent document is a continuation
°(64) Number of the earlier publication which is “reissued”
(65) Number of a previously published patent document concerning the same application
(66) Number and filing date of the earlier application of which the present patent document is a substitute, i.e., a later application filed after the abandonment of an earlier application for the same invention
(67) Number and filing date of a patent application, or number of a granted patent, on which the present utility model application or registration (or a similar industrial property right, such as a utility certificate or utility innovation) is based
(68) For an SPC, number of the basic patent and/or, where appropriate, the publication number of the patent document
(i) Priority data should be coded in category (30).
(ii) Code (65) is intended primarily for use by countries in which the national laws require that republication occur at various procedural stages under different publication numbers and these numbers differ from the basic application numbers.
(iii) Category code (60) should be used by countries which were previously part of another entity for identifying bibliographic data elements relating to applications or grants of patents which data had initially been announced by the industrial property office of that entity.
(70) Identification of parties concerned with the patent or SPC
°°(71) Name(s) of applicant(s)
(72) Name(s) of inventor(s) if known to be such
°°(73) Name(s) of grantee(s), holder(s), assignee(s) or owner(s)
(74) Name(s) of attorney(s) or agent(s)
°°(75) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also applicant(s)
°°(76) Names(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also applicant(s) and grantee(s)
(i) °°For patent documents for which grant has taken place on or before the date of making available to the public, and gazette entries relating thereto, the minimum data requirement is met by indicating the grantee, and for other documents by indication of the applicant.
(ii) (75) and (76) are intended primarily for use by countries in which the national laws require that the inventor and applicant be normally the same. In other cases (71) or (72) or (71), (72) and (73) should generally be used.
(80) Identification of data related to International Conventions other than the Paris Convention and to legislation
(90) with respect to SPC’s
(81) Designated State(s) according to the PCT
(83) Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms, e.g., under the Budapest Treaty
(84) Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions
(85) Date of commencement of the national phase pursuant to PCT Article 23(l) or 40(l)
(86) Filing data of the PCT international application, i.e., international filing date, international application number, and, optionally, the language in which the published international application was originally filed
(87) Publication data of the PCT international application, i.e., international publication date, international publication number, and, optionally, the language in which the application is published
(88) Date of deferred publication of the search report
(91) Date on which an international application filed under the PCT no longer has an effect in one or several designated or elected States due to failure to enter the national or regional phase or the date on which it has been determined that it had failed to enter the national or regional phase
(92) For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product
(93) For an SPC, number, date and, where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community
(94) Calculated date of expiry of the SPC or the duration of the SPC
(95) Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been applied for or granted
(96) Filing date of the regional application, i.e., application filing date, application number, and, optionally, the language in which the published application was originally filed
(97) Publication data of the regional application (or of the regional patent, if already granted), i.e., publication date, publication number, and, optionally, the language in which the application (or, where applicable, the patent) is published
(i) The codes (86), (87), (96), and (97) are intended to be used:
• on national documents when identifying one or more of the relevant filing data or publication data of a PCT international application, or of the regional application (or of the regional patent, if already granted), or
• on regional documents when identifying one or more of the relevant filing data or publication data of the PCT international application or of another regional application (or the regional patent, if already granted).
(ii) All data in code (86), (87), (96), or (97) should be presented together and preferably on a single line. The application number or publication number should comprise the three basic elements as shown in the example in paragraph 17 of WIPO Standard ST.10/B, i.e., the two letter code identifying the republishing office, the document number, and the kind of document code.
(iii) When data to be referenced by INID Codes (86) or (87) refer to two or more regional and/or PCT applications, each set of relevant filing or publication data of each such application should be displayed so as to be clearly distinguishable from other sets of relevant data, e.g., by presenting each set on a single line or by presenting the data of each set grouped together on adjacent lines in a column with a blank line between each set. When data to be referenced by codes (86), (87), (96), or (97) refer to two or more PCT international applications and/or regional applications (or regional patents, if already granted), each set of relevant filing or publication data of each such application (or granted patent) should be displayed so as to be clearly distinguishable from other sets of relevant data, e.g., by presenting each set on a single line or by presenting the data of each set grouped together on adjacent lines in a column with a blank line between each set.
(iv) The languages under codes (86), (87), (96), and (97) should be indicated by using the two-letter language symbols according to International Standard ISO 639:1988.
(v) The country of origin in code (93), if mentioned, should be indicated by using the two letter code according to WIPO Standard ST.3.
(vi) Attention is drawn to the Appendix which contains information on the term of protection and on the date from which SPCs referred to under code (94) may have effect.
INID codes for industrial designs are similar to, but not identical to, those used for patents and like documents. INID codes for industrial designs may be of most interest to design patent examiners.
INID Codes and Minimum Required for the Identification of Bibliographic Data for Industrial Designs (based on WIPO Standard ST.80)
(10) Data concerning the registration/renewal
°(11) Serial number of the registration and/or number of the design document
°°(12) Plain language designation of the kind of published document
°(14) Serial number of the renewal where different from initial registration number
°(15) Date of the registration/Date of the renewal
(17) Expected duration of the registration/renewal
(18) Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
°°(19) Identification, using the two-letter code according to WIPO Standard ST.3, of the authority publishing or registering the industrial design.
°°Minimum data element for design documents only
(20) Data concerning the application
°(21) Serial number of the application
°(22) Date of filing of the application
°(23) Name and place of exhibition, and date on which the industrial design was first exhibited there (exhibition priority data)
(24) Date from which the industrial design right has effect
(27) Kind of application or deposit (open/sealed)
(28) Number of industrial designs included in the application
(29) Indication of the form in which the industrial design is filed, e.g., as a reproduction of the industrial design or as a specimen thereof
(30) Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention
°(31) Serial number assigned to the priority application
°(32) Date of filing of the priority application
(33) Two-letter code, according to WIPO Standard ST.3, identifying the authority with which the priority application was made
(i) With the proviso that when data coded (31), (32) and (33) are presented together, category code (30) can be used, if so desired.
(ii) For international deposits made under the Hague Agreement, the two-letter code “WO” is to be used.
(40) Date(s) of making information available to the public
(43) Date of publication of the industrial design before examination by printing or similar process, or making it available to the public by any other means
(44) Date of publication of the industrial design after examination, but before registration, by printing or similar process, or making it available to the public by any other means
(45) Date of publication of the registered industrial design by printing or similar process, or making it available to the public by any other means
(46) Date of expiration of deferment
(50) Miscellaneous Information
°(51) International Classification for Industrial Designs (class and subclass of the Locarno Classification)
(52) National classification
(53) Identification of the industrial design(s) comprised in a multiple application or registration which is (are) affected by a particular transaction when not all are so affected
°(54) Designation of article ( ) or product ( ) covered by the industrial design or title of the industrial design
°°(55) Reproduction of the industrial design (e.g., drawing, photograph) and explanations relating to the reproduction
(56) List of prior art document, if separate from descriptive text
(57) Description of characteristic features of the industrial design including indication of colors
(58) Date of recording of any kind of amendment in the Register (e.g., change in ownership, change in name or address, renunciation to an international deposit, termination of protection)
(i) Code (52) should be preceded by the two-letter code, according to WIPO Standard ST.3, identifying the country whose national classification is used (the two-letter code should be indicated within parentheses).
(ii) °°Minimum data element for design documents only.
(60) References to other legally related application(s) and registration(s)
(62) Serial number(s) and, if available, filing date(s) of application(s), registration(s) or document(s) related by division
(66) Serial number(s) of the application, or the registration, of the design(s) which is (are) a variant(s) of the present one
Category code (60) should be used by countries which were previously part of another entity for identifying bibliographic data elements relating to applications or registrations of industrial designs, which data had initially been announced by the industrial property office of that entity.
(70) Identification of parties concerned with the application or registration
°°(71) Name(s) and address(es) of the applicant(s)
(72) Name(s) of the creator(s) if known to be such
°°(73) Name(s) and address(es) of the owner(s)
(74) Name(s) and address(es) of the representative(s)
(78) Name(s) and address(es) of the new owner(s) in case of change in ownership
°°If registration has taken place on or before the date of making the industrial design available to the public, the minimum data requirement is met by indicating the owner(s); in other cases, by indicating the applicant(s).
(80) Identification of certain data related to the international deposit of industrial designs under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs and data related to other international conventions.
Designated State(s)/State(s) concerned:
(81) Designated State(s) according to the 1960 Act
(82) State(s) concerned according to the 1934 Act
(84) Designated Contracting State(s) under regional convention.
Information regarding the owner(s):
(86) Nationality of the owner(s)
(87) Residence or headquarters of the owner(s)
(88) State in which the owner(s) has (have) a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment
The data to be referenced by INID codes (81) to (88) should be indicated by using the two-letter code according to WIPO Standard ST.3.